Displays the Scroll palette which is a convenient way to navigate around sessions. Not available because no session is active. Displays the Scroll palette which is a convenient way to navigate around sessions. Displays a list of active and inactive participants. If you're a host, displays a list of calling cards that you can use to invite others to your meeting. Not available because no session is active. Displays a list of active and inactive participants. If you're a host, displays a list of calling cards that you can use to invite others to your meeting. Saves all sessions. Not available because no sessions are active or require saving. Saves all sessions. Windows menu Use to organize your space. Displays information about Co-Motion and Bittco, the company who brought you Co-Motion. Deletes an idea that you have entered that has no notes or polls. Not available because no session is active. Deletes an idea that you have entered that has no notes or polls. Opens the Find window which you can use to find and list ideas by key words in titles. Not available because no session is active. Opens the Find window which you can use to find and list ideas by key words in titles. Select ideas that you have already polled. Not available because no session is active. Select ideas that you have already polled. Select ideas that you have not polled. Not available because no session is active. Select ideas that you have not polled. Displays an idea's notes and polls. Not available because no idea is selected or no session is active. Displays an idea's notes and polls. Creates a new idea. Not available because no idea type has been selected on the icon palette or no session is active. Creates a new idea. Ideas menu Use to create, get more information about, and select ideas. Exits from the Co-motion application program. Co-motion will prompt you to save any changes to the session before quitting. Prints the active session with the current report options. Not available because no session is active. Prints the active session with the current report options. Sets paper size, orientation and special printing effects. Determines the type of report printed. Not available because no session is active. Determines the type of report printed. Save the active session with a new name in a new file. Not available because no session is active. Save the active session with a new name in a new file. Saves the session or link, updating the version stored on the disk. Not available because you have already saved the most recent version or no session is active. Saves the session or link, updating the version stored on the disk. Closes the active session. Not available because no session is active. Closes the active session. Join an existing Co-motion session as a participant. Opens a saved link or session file. Opens a new, untitled host session. File menu Retrieves, joins, stores, prints and quits Co-motion sessions. Selects all text. Not available because no text is active. Selects all text. Removes the selection without storing it on the Clipboard. Not available because no text is selected. Removes the selection without storing it on the Clipboard. Inserts the contents of the Clipboard into the active session at the insertion point. Not available because the Clipboard is empty. Inserts the contents of the Clipboard into the active session at the insertion point. Copies the selection to the Clipboard. Replaces any existing Clipboard contents. Not available because nothing is selected. Copies the selection to the Clipboard. Deletes the selection and stores it on the Clipboard. Replaces any existing Clipboard contents. Not available because nothing is selected. Deletes the selection and stores it on the Clipboard. Cancels redoes your last action. Not available because the last action cannot be undone. Cancels redoes your last action. Edit menu Use to work with text or undo an action.